The Breakup Doctor

(Breakup Doctor series #1)

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The Doctor Is In

Brook Ogden, licensed mental health counselor, is an expert at picking up the pieces after things come apart.

She’s coached her best friend through more dating disasters than the Bachelorette, and when her mom suddenly announces she’s leaving the family home to resume her decades-delayed acting career (if their small-town Florida community theater qualifies as such), calm, levelheaded Brook holds the rest of the family together. Even when her traditional therapy practice literally collapses under a wrecking ball she maintains perfect control: landing on her feet with a weekly advice-to-the-lovelorn column and a successful consulting service as the Breakup Doctor: on call to help you shape up after a breakup.

But when her own relationship suddenly crumbles, Brook finds herself helplessly engaging in some spectacularly bad breakup behavior of her own—including rebounding with the most inappropriate of men: a dangerously hot bartender with anger-management issues—who also happens to be a former patient.

As her increasingly out-of-control behavior lands her at rock-bottom, Brook realizes you can’t always handle the messy parts of life neatly—and sometimes you can’t pull yourself together until you let yourself fall apart.

Read a little real-life history about the story here.

Where to buy:

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Praise for the Breakup Doctor series

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Breakup Doctor Discussion Questions

  • Download this guide as PDF
    Download this guide as PDF

    Sasha is clearly Brook’s best friend and closest confidante. Why does Brook turn on her when things are bleakest for her after Sasha gets her out of jail?

  • Why does Brook have so much trouble getting along with her mother, when she and her father seem to have such a good relationship? Is she actually close to either of her parents?
  • Have you experienced trouble relating to a parent, and tried to learn to see them as a person, instead of just your parent? Did it affect your relationship? If so, how?
  • Thanks to her background as a mental health professional, as well as her own practical nature, Brook knows how unhealthy certain post-breakup behaviors are. So why does she end up doing so many of them despite that?
  • Did you like the relationship Brook had with Kendell prior to their breakup? Did you see warning signs that told you their relationship might not be on firm ground? If so, what were they?
  • When you have had your heart broken in the past, do you handle things more like Sasha or like Brook? In other words, do you let yourself feel what you’re feeling, act out if you need to, to get past it, or do you “tough things out” until the pain fades? Do you consciously handle heartbreak the way you do? If so, why?
  • Is it helpful to share your pain and vulnerabilities with loved ones, or does that make it harder for you?
  • Does Ben seem like a good match for Brook, or is it too soon to tell? If he does, why? How is he different from the other men in Brook’s life whom we know about? Why does she call him at the end of the story, when she seemed to have decided she had missed her opportunity with him?
  • Did Brook’s heartache with Kendell—and her fiancé Michael before him—make you think of a time your heart has been broken? What did you do afterward? How long did it take you to heal, and what helped you do so?
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Ideas for Food and Drink

As Brook says, there are so many more than fifty ways to leave your lover, but often the feeling of heartbreak is universal. Here are some ideas for Food and Drink for The Breakup Doctor series (from the “Breakup Binge Bar” at the Breakup Doctor launch party!):

The breakup Doctor by Phoebe Fox

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